Monday, March 29, 2010

Hard Times Cafe

Hippies, hipsters, homeless, academics, drop-outs, anarchists, overalls-sporting-Wobblies, socialists, feminists, old, young, male, female, intersex, gay, lesbian, straight, suits,etc. Hard Times Cafe caters to ? Not sure. The patrons pool is eclectic.

Their menu is a crazy mix too. Great food and great coffee.
Come at breakfast time, when the cafe is at it's emptiest for some alone time. Lunch and Dinner are busy busy busy.

Always look at the chalk board for specials! never say no to their chili.

Order yourself a 1/2 order of the quesadilla ($3.10), 1 bottle ginger beer, a small cafe miel with whip cream,and a vegan cupcake!

Always look at the case of goodies near the cashier. Vegan treats galore! day old only $1!

Sit by the window.

Awesome Baristas, cooks and dishwashers! tip them all well!

Cash only

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